
Privacy is an area of HIPAA that involves more than just software and hardware. There are two key components to meeting HIPAA privacy regulations:

  1. Understanding the letter & spirit of HIPAA
  2. Incorporating processes in your workflow, manual and automated, that insures compliance with the privacy regulations.

Those that must comply include, health plans, clearinghouses, and hybrid entities that cover several healthcare related functions. The Data Integration Specialists HIPAA Assessment will provide detailed recommendations about handling legal documents that cover consent, authorization, business associate agreements, and notice of privacy practices.

These are some of the areas the Data Integration Specialists HIPAA Assessment will address:

  • Patient rights
  • Information handling
  • Internal policy recommendations
  • Employee training

Data Integration Specialists delivers expert and legal recommendations in the area of HIPAA privacy. This combined with other experts in the security and transaction field will set the right foundation for your HIPAA compliance program.