
Security is an area of HIPAA that has received greater attention after the tragedies of September 11. HIPAA security rules define how data is to be transmitted, handled, and stored to prevent the unauthorized access and loss of your patients’ and customers’ data.

This is the most wide-ranging of the three keystones of HIPAA, the others being privacy and transactions. Security covers internal processes, physical handling and storage of the data, and how the data is to be transmitted.

This is just a sample of the details required by the HIPAA regulations and that Data Integration Specialists will cover in its HIPAA Assessment:

  • Access controls based on policies and procedures
  • Authentication procedures including two-factor authentication
  • Strong perimeter security and firewall policies
  • Auditing and logging of critical data
  • Encryption for data in transit

All of these areas are important parts of security required by HIPAA in order to ensure that healthcare information is transmitted and handled internally and externally in a secure manner. The Data Integration Specialists HIPAA Assessment in the area of security will look at both software and hardware used for healthcare information.

Consultants on the HIPAA Assessment Data Integration Specialists team are experts in their respective fields. We do not assign a generalist to work on all three areas of your HIPAA assessment. A specialist in the fields you request conducts each assessment.