Understanding EDI Mapping and Its Value To Your Business

In this time-bound era, each second matters and especially when we are talking about business. The advancement of technology has been able to successfully eradicate a major portion of labor from businesses in each sector. The process of automation and software or robots are being preferred for their efficiency and accuracy. The question is – how can a machine or software replace the intelligence of a human brain?

A simple answer to this question is – It doesn’t have to. Many tasks, we generally use labor for, are recurring and quite predictable. This allows machines to successfully replace them. For example – let us consider the use of the postal system to deliver messages. It requires more than one person, a vehicle, and some delivery guys to finally deliver your letter to the other end (your friend, or colleague). This is a lengthy procedure and is also prone to failure. Technology has introduced us to text messaging, and various other social media sites to directly deliver your messages directly without any involvement of any other person or any vehicle for that matter! EDI and EDI Mapping are technological solutions to one of the most recurring tasks in businesses – data transactions. Let us start with the obvious question – What is EDI and EDI Mapping? Data Integration Specialists has years of experience helping businesses with all kinds of EDI Services and Integration projects Fill out this form to reach us immediately!

What is EDI?

Electronic Data Interchange, also known as EDI, enables you to digitally carry out the transactions of your business documents in a standard format. In simpler words, EDI eliminates any manual labor and automates the transaction of business documents thus improving the efficiency of your Business to Business electronic data transmission and

Before EDI, these transactions were carried out manually; thus involved a lot of paperwork, manual labor, and enough space for error introductions. Electronic Data Interchange allows businesses to real-time keep track of these transactions and successfully replaces any type of involved paperwork. Mostly, EDI is used for tasks like creating a purchase order, shipment information, or such others.

When an EDI document is generated, it is automatically sent over to the computer at the other end. It scans the document and understands where to store it. This makes the transaction of documents smooth, easy, cost-effective, and accurate. Moving to the next question – What is EDI Mapping and how is it helpful?

EDI Mapping and Its benefits

EDI Mapping, basically, makes the usage of the transmitted easier and user-friendly. In simple words, EDI Mapping translates the data from an EDI document into a document format, such as xlsx or XML, as required by a user. Not just these basic document types, EDI Mapping also enables you to convert and send the data received to other formats or departments like ERPs or accounting documents.

EDI Mapping basically allows the customization of the received data to use it according to your business’ requirements or comforts. Here are a few ways in which EDI Mapping can be quite beneficial for your business.

Cost Effective

EDI Mapping is very much cost-effective as compared to the traditional paperwork involved and it successfully can replace all forms of sending documents. EDI mapping and integration reduces all kinds of costs related to paperwork and use of any postal services. This leads to a significant reduction in prices.

Improves Efficiency

EDI and EDI Mapping is completely carried out by computers without any help of humans, once they are set or properly customized. This enables a computer to computer transactions of documents between businesses and partners. Document Filing and transfer requires no human intelligence and thus, EDI Mapping improves the efficiency of a company, as a whole, by allowing its employees to focus on tasks of greater importance.

Error Free

EDI and EDI Mapping are reliable ways to electronically exchange data. This ensures a negligible space for errors if the document format of an EDI document is followed. An estimated data shows there are around 20 billion data transactions carried out by the use of EDI. This clearly proves the extent of the reliability of businesses with all kinds on EDI and EDI Mapping.

EDI adds a major value to your business. Data Integration Specialists provides EDI-based Services and our professionals can build or an integration and EDI Mapping project for your business. Contact for the best EDI services now!

Why OPT for EDI Instead of Manual Processing

An Increasing number of businesses are ditching traditional manual processing and opting for EDI. They’re either buying their own software through EDI software providers or using outsource services. The question that arises is, why? Now that we can get trained human resources for every detailed task, why opt for software and systems to do the same?

Here are few reasons why more businesses are opting for EDI:

Cost Efficient

Although there are trained professionals available for processing your business data, the compared investment in EDI software is cheaper in a long run. Manual processing includes not only labor cost,  but printing, filing, administration, mailing and in many cases, repeating these same costs in the same transactions. EDI exchanges the documents automatically and unattended from system to system which saves you cost on everything in each transaction and cuts the per transaction cost dramatically.

Time Saving

In any business, time is of utmost importance, and that is why EDI is becoming the preferred choice for a better processing between business trading partners. In manual processing, every step of transaction includes the employee feeding the data manually into the system to go to the next step. This way, transactions can take days to be completed. On the other hand, EDI requires no manual data entering at each step making the entire process effective and efficient. The per transaction time consumption reduces from days to minutes ultimately leading to more transaction volume in the same amount of time, less cost and better return on investment.


One of the prime reasons why EDI is becoming the preferred choice is that it reduces the error rate to negligible. Manual data entering can include errors like re-entered keys, or missed details or even mistyping. EDI cuts out the chances of such errors. Reduced error rate translates to improved quality of the data as well as no requirement of any redoing data processing or the orders which in turn contributes to better business relations.

Real Time Updates

While manual data processing takes days to complete a transaction and update the status, EDI software is capable of real time status update, making the entire transaction smoother. Moreover, the businesses are more informed of the current status which can help them be more responsive towards any changes or issues in the transaction. A timely and well informed response makes business relations stronger thereby increasing orders and profits.

Corporate Social Responsibility

One of the subtle yet important benefits of EDI is that it helps save a lot of paper, which can be an important part of green strategy of the business. Your business can become more sustainable through this ecological choice which is an important part of corporate social responsibility.

With a better, faster and cost efficient data processing system, not only can the business flourish, but also work smoothly internally. Real time information updates can help make better business strategies and quality decision making is the key to a successful business.

Data Integration Specialists provides you a complete EDI solution to cater to all your data exchange needs from integration to implementation to support system. We are your one stop solution for better e-commerce throughout your business.

Features To Look For In an EDI Provider

An efficient supply chain management system is essential for adequate automation and streamlining of distribution tasks. One such solution promoting automation and enhance efficiency is Electronic Data Interchange. It is transferring data from one computer to another utilizing standardized message formatting, relying on internet connectivity, either through peer-to-peer networking or serial links. Documents can be electronically exchanged between multiple companies both in the US and abroad.

It is essential to make a sound decision when selecting an EDI provider since a slight miscalculation and wrong choice could lead to poor supplier scores, inability to forge a long-lasting relationship with clients or missing out on enormous business opportunities, etc.


Depending upon the requirement, managed services differ across the board. Data Integration Specialists can provide a remote EDI expert to either complement your existing EDI resource or they can maintain the entire EDI system from their remote offices. DIS’ EDI Consultant will handle trading partner setups, connectivity to VANs/direct connects, automated scheduling, error handling, acknowledgment reconciliation, map fixes, map changes, new maps, map testing, unit testing and ongoing maintenance on a daily basis. They also provide Hybrid EDI Managed service that acts as an efficient alternative to remote administration. The Hybrid model combines both an on-site option (when needed) as well as a remote EDI expert.


An adept EDI service provider should be able to provide best solutions for your business needs. It should be simple, and the user must be able to work with it with little or no training, It should be quick and easy to implement making it more efficient and facilitating better trade relationships.


The solution should be able to integrate with your business systems irrespective of their technical capabilities, connection protocols, data formats and back-office systems.  It should include a downstream system that delivers a seamless exchange of information to other operations.


Check if there is any hidden cost in the number of transactions made. There should be no additional cost for more transactions since that means you might end up paying more for cheap solutions. The EDI Managed Service maintains the health of your EDI business trading partner relationships at a cost model that IT management loves because it’s easy on their budgets.

The EDI solution provider must have a flexible and available customer support team offering comprehensive, tailored solutions to business requirements. You should be able to rely on a team that is responsive and available to quickly diagnose any problem, determine a quick answer and implement it instantly.


EDI software can be an expensive investment so it’s critical that you have an experienced and proven EDI Consultant. Ask all solution providers to give you a name of their previous clients so that you can validate the level of customers satisfaction and quality of service.

EDI implementations, when done efficiently, can allow for effective business to business data interchange automation, especially for retail, manufacturing, distribution and healthcare.  Considering its capability to integrate business processes and accelerate speed to market fully, its now increasingly becoming a prerequisite for large suppliers and businesses globally.

Planning To Buy EDI Software? Important Factors to Consider

When it comes to managing B2B transactions, EDI software is truly a great gift to businesses. The bulky accounts, paper receipts & payments was the big task and storing & securing was even bigger. Sending, receiving and storing data electronically has made corporate life much easier than all the manual processes. EDI enables the exchange of several business documents, but the two primary aspects in transactions are purchase orders and invoices. If you haven’t yet implemented EDI software, then you should reach out to Data Integration Specialists to ensure your B2B transactions are running smoothly and seamlessly.

There is no doubt that EDI strengthens the relationship with trading partners which is an integral aspect of Ecommerce.  Here are some factors to consider:

What is your monthly EDI transaction volume?

The first and foremost thing you need to consider is the estimation of your EDI transaction volume and measure the frequent performance of transactions.. If your company has a lot of transactions, you can choose an advanced Enterprise EDI solution. On the other hand, if your company doesn’t have a lot of volume, you can buy entry-level EDI solutions. Data Integration Specialists can set you up with both and provide options.

How do you want to integrate EDI?

Another aspect you need to look for is how you want your EDI to integrate. Various companies look for EDI solutions that can integrate with their other performing tools such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) or warehouse management system (WMS).  If integration is important,  Data Integration Specialists can steer you in the right direction.

What are your business resources?

Reviewing and purchasing EDI software also depends on your resources within IT.  If you are new to this software or EDI technology, then it is likely you don’t possess the internal IT resources to implement and maintain EDI infrastructure. Data Integration Specialists will provide a thorough EDI review and audit to determine what is needed and what type of resources you have internal. We will then propose a solution that fits your criteria, your budget and ongoing EDI processes.

What are EDI approaches provided by companies?

There are Software based EDI solutions and there are Software As A Service (SAAS) models.  Depending on a whole range of factors, one of them is right for your operation.  Overall, our goal at Data Integration Specialists is to ensure that your EC/EDI business trading relationships are healthy and prospering.

Please give us a call or send us an email to set up a time to discuss how we can provide a one stop shop EDI offering for your business.

Ways To Ensure A Successful EDI Implementation

EDI or Electronic data interchange is the exchange of documents between businesses through direct IP connections or Value Added Networks (VANs). This eliminates the need to mail or fax paper documents.  Data Integration Specialists emphasizes how EDI should be made a part of you business strategy in order to ensure viability in your marketplace.  Good communication between the trading partner to translate business documents in a standard format is critical to the bottom line.

EDI Mapping

This is the process used to translate EDI data into a more easily used format for certain environments. For example, eVision EDI Mapping, a 3rd party EDI software application, enables EDI messages to be translated into ASCII formats including XML and flat file. One of the most important steps is creating files capable of translating one type of data into another. Applications can be used to generate the map to facilitate the process. eVision EDI Mapping enables businesses to leverage their investments in their EDI infrastructure. This automatically sends the EDI data to systems such as accounting or ERP. EDI mapping is also used for creating formulas such as XML.

The Supply Chain

It is important to establish if the business is the Responder or the Initiator. The Initiator uses EDI to improve their business processes. The Responder responds to customer requests and EDI compliance is required to secure the contract. The regulations and rules pertaining to the business model are established by the Initiator. These protocols and standards must be followed by the Responder. The objectives of the business are established by a dedicated project team. This defines the deliverables during a set time frame.

The Trading Partner Communications

It is important to make certain the trading partners have agreed to a full commitment. A copy of the agreement should be obtained from the trading partner to establish which EDI standards and transaction sets are being used. The required communication protocols must also be established.

The Pilot Project

When there are numerous trading partners involved in EDI communications, it is important for a pilot project to be used for the first implementation. The business must be able to make improvements and tweak the project as it moves forward. One of the most common mistakes is attempting to add too many trading partners at the same time. This can be a substantial drain on resources and lead to the failure of the trading relationship very quickly. A phased or stepped approach will work much better such as implementing  the priority trading partners first. The rest can be implemented using a phased basis.

In House and Outsourced EDI

Implementing an EDI department requires numerous resources and the right internal capabilities. It may be necessary to outsource to a 3rd party EDI provider like Data Integration Specialists. The advantage is we will work as the EDI department, either remotely or onsite, and eliminate the complexities, constraints and hassle of establishing an EDI department.  As well, the cost savings are substantial when outsourcing to a consulting organization that has EDI resources as its core business.

The Bottom Line

When the above EDI strategies are implemented, it will help ensure a successful implementation for all of the parties involved and streamline various other tasks. To know more about EDI Mapping and Integration, get in touch with us at Data Integration Specialists and streamline your EDI data flow.

EDI Transformations And Things You Should Know About

For a legendary, global company like IBM, providing Gentran Server EDI to customers is one element of their business.

International Business Machines (IBM), provides EDI translation software, including Gentran: Server, Gentran Integration Server (SI) and more to EDI capable businesses worldwide. IBM’s Gentran: Server provides a way to address the increasing demands that come with today’s business to business requirements and technology. The Gentran: Server includes data store, process, communication controllers, and UI clients.

Choosing Gentran: Server can help to improve the quality of service, lower costs, and potentially increase productivity. The Gentran: Server allows stakeholders and essential customers to hold that critical competitive edge in the marketplace. Additionally, the Gentran: Server was developed by Sterling Corporation (subsequently purchased by IBM) three decades ago as a way to benchmark e-business transactions.

What Gentran Server options are available to choose from?

IBM has ten different options to choose for Gentran Products. The ten options include the following: Gentran: Server Product options include the following: Sterling Gentran: Server for Unix; Sterling Gentran: Server for Microsoft Windows; Sterling Gentran: Server for iSeries; Sterling Gentran: Basic; Sterling Gentran: Realtime; Sterling Gentran: Control; Sterling Gentran: Plus; Sterling Gentran: Structure; Sterling Gentran: Viewpoint; Sterling Gentran: Director and Gentran: Director Professional.

What is the architecture of IBM Gentran Server?

IBM’s Gentran: Server is built on an open architecture — this allows IT staff to install and work with specific components by utilizing common simple functions and features. Gentran: Server is a high performance, yet versatile solution that can use the Microsoft Windows client and server framework. One of the key benefits of embracing a technological solution provided by IBM like Gentran: Server is that the architecture can be built upon by adding more power and potential as needed.

What type of tools are available with Gentran: Server?

With IBM’s Gentran: Server, process control allows for business documents to be controlled. The question of when, where or how these essential documents are processed is strictly up to you.

IBM’s Gentran: Server also provides for more straightforward methods to map and increase data translation using the mapping utility. The Gentran: Server uses an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) to perform data mapping. Gentran: Server provides a way to display one’s applications or data on one’s screen. With the Gentran mapping utility, customers can also point-and-click to create mapping relationships.

The Gentran: Server also provides a way to easily set up and perform trading partner setup and maintenance. This function helps relationships by offering flexibility in creating new relationships. Gentran also allows stakeholders and businesses to exchange complex documents, and utilizing XML, graphics, and even non-EDI standards and business rules.

Gentran: Server also helps stakeholders and customers to trade their data with their business partners on an international scale. Microsoft allows for IBM’s Gentran: Server to use its Communications Service to control the flow of data throughout the system by utilizing many different protocols. To know more about EDI managed services, and to keep your EDI data flow streamlined, get in touch with Data Integration Specialists and we’d be happy to assist you and shed more light on these IBM Gentran EDI solutions and the services that we offer.

Five Values for EDI Integration Software

Data is a very crucial element of almost every organisation and therefore, it must be dealt with properly. All those who have already put EDI integration software to use have an idea of the benefits associated with the same, while those who haven’t used it still wonder about the same. The following sections include five major values of EDI integration software.
